Keeping your plants alive over the winter months.


Photo by Beazy on Unsplash
Words by Plant Sit.

It’s October, which means most of our houseplants are going into their dormant period with the introduction of shorter, chillier days. And whilst this doesn’t sound inviting, this period of the year is vital to the health of our houseplants, despite meaning less growth. Here are a few tips you can do to help out your houseplants until we get some warmth in the Spring!

Stop fertilising.

Now is the time to put down your fertiliser until the spring in order to avoid fertiliser burn & brown tips. Consider it one less plant job to do, and one less thing to buy for a few months.

Hold off on repotting.

At this time of year it is better to wait until your plants are in their growing period before completely repotting them. If you are concerned, you can replace the top few inches of soil with some fresh, which is known as top soiling, and this will keep them happy until the Spring.

Check before you water.

Plants will now need much less water, and whilst you get used to their routine, make sure you check before watering them. For most houseplants the top few inches of soil will need to dry, but others they will need to be completely dry.

Top tip: When you do water, make sure the water drains straight through & they are not sitting in water for long.

Prune the dead leaves & branches.

This is an ideal time to clean up your plants! By pruning any dead leaves & branches, it encourages thicker, fuller growth in the future.

Top tip: Ensure you are using a clean sharp knife or pair secateurs for a clean cut.

Wipe clean the leaves.

With a clean, damp cloth wipe your leaves free of any dust. This not only makes your plants look fantastic, but allows them to breathe properly & light to reach them better.

Move towards the light.

Concerned about the lower light levels for some of your plants? As light levels are not as strong, you can move some of them closer to the window/south-facing areas of your space in order to get some better light until the Spring. Just don’t forget to move them back in the summer, otherwise they might get burnt!

If you want to talk about your plants, if you are unsure about what they need then you can book an online consultation with us. As always, chat to us over on Instagram 🌿

Katie Heward